Solar power monitor (WIP)

To better monitor my solar power installation, I have been designing a few boards that can measure and control everything. This is a work in progress and far from finished, I’m just sharing what I have so far.
When I feel like it’s done I will make it open source and go further in detail

Solar power measurement schematic
Solar power measurement PCB
230V measurement schematic 1/2
230V measurement schematic 2/2
230V measurement PCB
ESP8226 controller schematic
ESP8226 controller power schematic
ESP8226 controller PCB

Author: Robin

I'm Robin Peeten, a science enthusiast specialized in electronics and IT. By working on a lot of personal projects I gathered a lot of knowledge and practical experience with the aforementioned subjects and more. Able to design and repair electronic and electrical systems, and work as a sysadmin for professional computer systems and server gear. Take a look at my project list for examples.

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